
Závěrečná konference
On March 19, the final conference of the CO2-SPICER project, which has been running since November…
02-04-2024 17:01:56
Konference IMOG 2023 v Montpellieru
From September 10 to 15, the 31st international conference IMOG (International Meeting on Organic…
08-01-2024 15:34:00
The 16th CO2GeoNet Open Forum dedicated to the current status and trends in the geological CO2…
05-12-2023 14:01:48
Pracovní mítink
The meeting agenda was focused on the status of individual work packages implementation, with…
05-12-2023 13:09:20
Juraj Franců - final
Juraj Franců from the Czech Geological Survey describes carbon dioxide capture and storage in an…
09-11-2023 09:54:03
Konference TCCS-12 v Trondheimu
The CO2-SPICER project was presented by 5 contributions at the International conference of TCCS-12…
23-06-2023 11:01:30
Česko-norský CCS workshop v Trondheimu
Following the international conference TCCS-12, on 19 June 2023, the CGS organised a workshop of…
20-06-2023 10:55:08
Jižní Morava uvítala/hostila další pracovní mítink projektu CO2-SPICER
The fifth meeting of the CO2-SPICER project was organized by the project partner MND in Hodonín on…
14-06-2023 10:51:43
Eric Patrick Ford
NORCE were contacted by ESRA Norway, the Norwegian Association for Risk and Reliability Analysis,…
22-02-2023 11:17:06
Vít Hladík
On Thursday, February 2, Vít and I set about preparing a detailed overview of this year’s…
15-02-2023 08:47:36
Setkání řešitelů projektu CO2-SPICER v Brně.
The Czech Geological Survey hosted the fourth meeting of the CO2-SPICER project, which took place…
13-12-2022 15:23:58
Konference v Cáchách (Aachen, Německo)
The researchers working on the CO2-SPICER project participated in the Petroleum Systems Technology…
05-09-2022 10:42:01
Projektový mítink projektu CO2-SPICER v Bergenu
The third project meeting of the CO2-SPICER project, in which the Czech Geological Survey…
08-06-2022 15:20:00
A second project meeting was held on 30 November 2021 and was organized still online due to the…
01-12-2021 15:17:28
Project coordinator Vit Hladik presented the CO2-SPICER project at the international TCCS-11…
30-06-2021 12:56:22
The Czech Geological Survey has issued a press release reporting about implementation of the Czech-…
15-04-2021 11:48:12
The Czech Geological Survey has prepared a leaflet informing about main aims and activities of the…
25-03-2021 11:18:26
Konference Czech-Norwegian Cooperation on CCS
On 5 March 2021, the Czech Geological Survey organized the conference Czech-Norwegian Cooperation…
09-03-2021 12:11:28
CGS is the main organizer of the online conference titled “Czech-Norwegian Cooperation on CCS”,…
25-02-2021 11:53:37
Vít Haldík/ zahájení projektu
CO2-SPICER project was officially launched on 1 November 2020 and its implementation has been…
24-11-2020 13:29:05